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RELATIONSHIP: 3 Costly Mistakes Couples Do In Marriage

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This article is of great necessity. It was conceived out the experiences of the people around me.

Saying goodbye to the world of singles and moving into the world of the married entails a lot of sacrifices and intelligent decisions.

Most times, newly married couples commit to terrible mistakes that can cause their children and partner great pain in the nearest future.

If you just got married or intending to then I advise you go through this article paying attention to details so as to avoid making avoidable mistakes in your marriage.

3 Costly Mistakes Couples Do In Marriage#1. Not Changing Your Next Of Kin

My heart is always heavy with sorrow whenever I remember what some people have gone through and are still passing through because they forgot to change their next of kin immediately after marriage.

For me, these consequences were avoidable if only the concerned parties did the right thing at the right time.

Never take issues concerning who you use as your next of kin for granted. In fact for a married woman or man, your next of kin should be your partner or any of your children.

Entrusting the future of your family to your brother or even a total stranger all in the name of next of kin is a grave mistake that no one should ever commit.

I have a friend of mine (may God rest his soul) who for some reasons forgot to change his next of kin to his wife after marriage. He died after some years leaving his wife and two lovely children behind.

Because his brother was his next of kin, his employer paid his terminal benefits running into millions of naira to him. As at the time of writing this article, his brother has only given the sum of 500,000 naira to the wife since the passing away of the man in 2015.

I don't want to go on with the treatment being meted on the woman and her children and how the landed property of the late man was taken over by his brother.

The long and short of this is that you should take the bold step by changing your next of kin to your spouse or child. Make that decision now and act immediately.

#2. Hiding Your Investments from Your Spouse

To some people, I know this may sound funny. But the reality is that even in these modern times, some couples hid from each other their personal investments and assets.

Let me remind you that the union of marriage makes the man and the woman a single individual.

This by implication is that you shouldn't keep anything from the other person. You can begin by having joint assets and properties with your partner. You can also decide to open a joint bank account with your partner.

By so doing, the partner will suffer little or no loss in the event of the death of the other. Check yourself to see if you fall under this category and then make efforts to address the issue.

#3. Agreeing That Only One Person Should Be Working

Apart from the financial benefits that come with working, there is also the exposure and boldness that come with it.

Unfortunately, some couples for one reason or the other decides that one of them (mostly the woman) shouldn't work.

This kind of decision can be catastrophic. As a matter of reality, most idle women find it difficult to cope when their husband dies. They don't even know where to start from especially when the kids are still small and are in need of financial care.

I have also seen a situation when a very rich man died and left all his money for the idle wife. Because of her inexperience and lack of exposure, she was unable to manage the resources and businesses left for her by the late husband.

She ended up allowing outsiders come in to help her manage the businesses. I am very sure that your guess is as good as mine, the supposed manager ran the business aground and disappeared with a chunk of money leaving her miserable and helpless.

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