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Dino To Be Confirmed Nigeria's Most Truthful Politician

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Controversy rocks, as the Board of Directors for WHO is WHO Awards Nigeria are set to confirm Dist. Sen. Dino Melaye as Nigeria's Most Truthful Politician.

The Directors in un-biased high criticism acknowledged that they have never received such a great pressure from individuals with differing interest as to the result of the just concluded opinion poll conducted by a neutral Private Organization which confirms Sen.Dino Melaye as Nigeria's Most TRUTHFUL POLITICIAN.

The Directors however, deliberated that the choice of the general public is of no surprise to them as the records and antecedents of the Distinguished Senator had proved beyond reasonable doubt that he has been on the side of the masses, always ready to sacrifice whatever position and opportunity he has for the sake of the less privileged as well as the oppressed..

Dino Melaye has always said the truth to 'the High and Mighty' without fear or doubt even when it may cost him friendships, political position and financial gains.

The popular and multi- viral video of the Distinguished Senator standing in the middle of the Red Chambers of the National Assembly under the spotlight of the Senate President, Distinguished Senators of the Federal Republic as well as all National Media Organizations while he declared using his God given natural loud Vocal projection " IF YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH, YOU WILL DIE, IF YOU DON'T, YOU WILL STILL DIE, IT IS BETTER YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH AND DIE seems to have not gone unnoticed as reflected in the opinion of the general public.

The Directors of the Prestigious WHO is WHO Awards have however accepted the opinion of Nigerians and have confirmed the victory of Distinguished Senator Dino Daniel Melaye as Nigeria's Most TRUTHFUL POLITICIAN, they urged Nigerians to remain informed as preparations are ongoing to Decorate the Distinguished Senator with Nigeria's most Honoured Award, the " WHO is WHO STAND OF FAME.


Who is Who Awards Organization is a reputable International Organization headquartered in the State of Minnesota, U.S.A with various branches across all Continents.