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Youths need discipline, humility, patience to participate in politics – Commissioner

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The Kaduna State Commissioner of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, has called on Nigerian youths to imbibe discipline, humility and patience to successfully participate in politics.

He made the call during a town hall meeting organised by Justice, Development and Peace Centre in Kaduna.

“Many young politicians are eager to make an immediate impact at the top of the political ladder, where they are guaranteed glitz and spotlight. They are unwilling to begin their journey at the lower, perhaps less glamorous levels of society,” he observed.

Speaking further he said: “It is gratifying that recently in Kaduna we have many good examples of young politicians who, with determination and focus, are building their way from the ground up and are now beginning to emerge into the limelight of mainstream politics and policy making.”

He added: “This has largely been possible because Governor Nasir el-Rufai is a big proponent of mentorship and a firm believer in the power of youths. I can humbly attest that I am equally a product of that belief, and a beneficiary of his mentorship, along with many others who have now emerged on the political scene, demonstrating amazing vision, dynamism and capacity, well-honed and properly guided. Mentors are those giants who give us their shoulders to stand on so that we can rise and make a difference.”

He lamented that what Nigerians are facing now in society is the result of what he called a “chronic moral and leadership crisis, and a gap in quality mentoring”.

The commissioner lamented what he described as “abdication of responsibility, as more people prefer public games of blaming and shaming, than actual action for change.”

According to him: “Everyone can go online to generate attention and whip up sentiments. Outrage is the new social currency. Grandstanding is fashionable. We have become a nation totally lacking in the spirit of honour. People want to become heroes, so they create divides and trade blame from one side to the other. Not only is this taking attention off our real problems, it is weakening the fabric of our society.”