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Architect escapes death after stray bullet pierced through his roof and flew past him

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An architect has told of how he escaped death after a stray bullet made its way into his room.

Before the incident, he got a message from someone warning that they had a bad dream about him, but they revealed they had already prayed about it.

Subsequently, he said he was working on his laptop when he got a call. He stopped working and relaxed to answer the call, only for him to hear a sound and feel something fly in front of him to land on his desk. It was a bullet.

Photos he shared online show the hole the bullet made in his ceiling and the bullet resting on his desk.

See below.

Architect escapes death after stray bullet pierced through his roof and flew past him (video)

Architect escapes death after stray bullet pierced through his roof and flew past him (video)
Architect escapes death after stray bullet pierced through his roof and flew past him (video)
Architect escapes death after stray bullet pierced through his roof and flew past him (video)
Architect escapes death after stray bullet pierced through his roof and flew past him (video)